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10 ways AI is transforming business security and operations

The transformative power of AI enhances security while also revolutionizing operations, turning hidden data into smarter, more efficient business processes.

22 October 2024 06:13

Artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly impacted the way businesses operate – from automating routine tasks to enhancing customer and employee experiences. Now, AI is transforming how organizations protect their people, property, and assets, guiding them toward a more proactive approach to security.

Nearly half (46%) of businesses surveyed by Securitas Technology have invested in AI for their security program. As use cases for AI-powered security increase, this number will only continue to rise.

At Securitas, we’re harnessing the full potential of AI to strengthen our capabilities in threat detection, intelligence, risk assessment, incident response, and crisis management. Globally, we’re proactively helping organizations tackle increasingly complex security challenges by leveraging the power of AI.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 ways AI is revolutionizing business security and operations – starting with five ways it’s enhancing safety and security, then digging into five ways AI is unlocking powerful business insights.

5 ways AI is enhancing safety and security

1. Risk prediction

Our risk prediction services showcase the predictive potential of AI in security. By processing and analyzing historical incident data, AI can help forecast the likelihood of future security events. This level of intelligence enables organizations to implement proactive security measures to help make data-driven decisions. For example, if AI identifies a pattern of increased risk at certain locations or times, organizations can pre-emptively strengthen security – for example, by adjusting guard patrols or enhancing surveillance – during those high-risk periods.

2. Enhanced threat detection

AI-powered security systems can easily detect anomalies in behavior captured by security systems and automatically alert the business of suspicious individuals, vehicles, and objects. This level of insight can help prevent security threats before they even arise. For example, AI can identify unusual access patterns, such as attempts to enter restricted areas or access points at odd hours. Once a risk is identified, guards can be notified; alerts on intercom systems can be triggered; or the restriction of access points can be implemented to prevent the issue from escalating, significantly decreasing the chance of security breaches.

3. Reducing false alarms

AI and machine learning can also help power security monitoring services by analyzing video in real time and distinguishing between a potential threat, such as an unauthorized visitor attempting to enter the premises, and a nuisance alarm triggered by an animal or weather-related movements. This eliminates the burden on monitoring center operators, allowing them to concentrate on true security threats. In doing so, AI helps to significantly reduce false alarms and conserve increasingly strained law enforcement resources.

4. Improving healthcare outcomes

In healthcare settings, AI-powered solutions are particularly powerful. They can proactively monitor health and analyze sensor data to anticipate the needs of residents in senior living communities. For example, intelligent fall management solutions can identify residents at risk of falling – days and even weeks in advance. This empowers senior living organizations to help optimize fall prevention strategies, ultimately reducing hospitalizations, enhancing resident care, and increasing occupancy in their communities.

5. Smarter cities and safer infrastructure

The combination of AI, security, and 5G connectivity is helping to protect critical infrastructure and create safer cities in Belgium. Offshore wind farms, crucial to our energy supply, benefit from this integration through enhanced monitoring capabilities that allow for enhanced threat detection and response, despite their remote locations. In urban environments, AI-driven surveillance and data analytics work in concert with 5G connectivity to improve public safety measures. As a result, crowd control measures can be implemented more competently, illegal waste dumping can be detected in real time, and a fight can be detected even before it escalates.

Beyond strengthening security, AI is unlocking operational efficiencies and powerful business insights that fuel growth and build resilience.

5 ways AI can unlock efficiencies and powerful insights

1. Energy savings in action

Securitas is transforming traditional guard reporting by leveraging AI to understand recurring vulnerabilities and improve on-site security measures. By using natural language processing (NLP), AI interprets free-text fields in guard reports, transforming previously untapped data into a wealth of business insights. A particularly compelling use case for this is its application in highlighting sustainability actions taken by organizations, facilitated by our officers. In Sweden, alone, our security officers performed and logged an estimated 335,000 energy-saving actions in 2022. These actions contributed to energy savings of around 8.8 million kWh. This reduction in consumption led to cost savings of 17 million SEK for our clients – a significant benefit not only for their bottom line but also for the environment.

2. Security resource optimization

AI is playing a pivotal role in streamlining security operations. At Securitas, we’re harnessing AI to refine how we allocate resources, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost savings. Our branch optimization initiative uses AI to efficiently distribute security personnel and resources. By analyzing data such as incident reports, guard availability, and site locations, AI helps us optimize schedules and routes, ensuring that each branch is operating within its capacity and that security officers are deployed efficiently.

3. Strategic space utilization

By analyzing data from access control, video surveillance, and other security systems, AI can provide organizations with a detailed understanding of space usage, revealing not just patterns of occupancy but also the frequency of use for specific areas. This insight is invaluable for operational decisions, such as determining cleaning schedules. For instance, if AI identifies that a meeting room is seldom used, a business could reduce the frequency of cleaning, optimizing resource allocation. Or, if AI detects that meeting rooms are consistently overbooked or there are notable surges in traffic during certain times, business leaders can make informed decisions to open additional meeting spaces or reschedule large gatherings to less busy periods. This strategic approach ensures that every square foot is used efficiently, leading to a more effective allocation of office areas, meeting rooms, and common spaces.

4. Predictive alarm data

In addition to reducing false alarms, AI can identify patterns in alarm data that could be predictive of future events. Empowered with this information, business leaders can make changes to optimize their security, such as reinforcing surveillance in high-risk areas or modifying access privileges, to safeguard against potential threats. The result is a more secure environment where resources are strategically deployed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, enhancing overall safety and preparedness.

5. Optimized labor resources

Like with strategic space utilization, AI is adept at analyzing security data to help optimize staffing across various industries. By identifying traffic patterns captured by security cameras and access control systems – such as customer flow in retail, patient visits in healthcare, or employee activity in corporate offices – AI can pinpoint peak activity times, provides valuable insights for aligning staff levels with demand. This helps ensure that personnel are available at the right times and places, enhancing service quality, operational efficiency, and customer or client satisfaction.

AI’s expanding role in business security

Use cases for AI in security are virtually endless. From strengthening safety and security measures to helping businesses awaken dormant data hidden within their security infrastructure, AI is a powerful tool that Securitas is harnessing to transform business security and operations.

The fact that nearly half of businesses are already leveraging AI within their security programs is a testament to its transformative potential. And we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of what’s possible. As applications for AI and adoption rates increase, we’ll see even more powerful results showcasing how businesses safeguard their people, property, and assets and harness security data for competitive advantage.